Japan welcomes international investment. It has much to offer the investor seeking safety, competitive return, and portfolio diversification. Its major cities are clean, safe, and efficiently managed. Infrastructure is of the highest standard; building materials are the best in the world. Politically and economically, Japan provides a stable and attractive investment platform. Average investment returns on real properties are competitive, reliable, and commensurate with the degree of risk. The yield gap (property return net of interest rate) is high relative to other countries. Real Ventura is your bridge to the awaiting opportunities. What are you waiting for?

Real Ventura’s strategy is centered on Tokyo because it is the focal point of most real estate investment activities in Japan. Tokyo, which makes up a third of the Japanese economy, is the main destination for international investments.

Besides being the most liquid market in Japan, the fundamentals for Tokyo are also much stronger than the rest of the country. Nationwide, one of the most pressing challenges Japan faces today is population decline and ageing. Over the past decades, population ageing has been more rapid in Japan than in any other country. Greater Tokyo, however, is projected to continue expanding through urbanization.