Our long-term vision is not confined to the Tokyo market. Through our limited but growing network of associates, Real Ventura may be able to provide assistance in real property investments elsewhere in Japan, Asia, and Hawaii. Our primary goal is to become a trustworthy and reliable interface between the foreign market and the international real property investor. Given information asymmetries, we believe our main fiduciary responsibility is to the potential foreign buyer or seller of real properties. We seek, in short, to level the playing field for foreign investors.

Our core business is the niche market of foreign businesses, organizations, and high-income individuals requiring reliable, results-oriented assistance with real property investments in foreign markets. Our core activity is bridging the information gap between market participants from different language and cultural backgrounds.

Real Ventura desires to play an active role in the application of internet-based technologies to real property investing. In particular, we seek to offer web-based services for potential foreign investors in the Tokyo real estate market. A modest example is Dishes Japan, an affiliated, internet site that introduces visitors and potential investors to the most popular Japanese foods and some of the best places where they may be enjoyed.